
Thank you for being here. In this blog, I string together words on the themes of: urban plants + the urban ecosystem, sense of place, myth, seasons and gardening. This work is rooted in love and respect for Mother Earth. I feel driven to work with and for the earth and have followed the path here, to this, my small offering to the planet and its beings.

In this time of great uncertainty and fear about how the world will change on a warming planet, I turn to hope and action as a way to lessen the harm and upheaval. Believe me, there are days when the hope is hard to summon and yet I must or I risk turning into an over-indulgent hedonist or worse, a nihilist. What we do matters. An action may seem small but stitched together with the whole it becomes large and powerful. We are all here together.

There is meaning in the world, life is beautiful and joy does radiate from the sun. I have a small child and I must think and move beyond myself for him and his generation.

This work partially evolved from feelings of anger and sadness at the way this beautiful land and its beings are only valued for their monetary worth. It is funny how healing can come from the source of the pain; I grieve for the mistreatment of the planet Earth and its beings and yet it is by touching the Earth’s soil that I heal. Similarly, Ragweed pollen is the cause of much suffering for folks prone to allergic reactions and Ragweed pollen is currently being tested as a source of relief for those very same allergic symptoms.

We have everything we need for healing; ourselves, the land and our relationship


Frost Dates