
Back in the garden and I can smell the soil again. It has been an entire winter since I moved the earth to release its fragrance and, oh, I had forgotten how sweet was its scent. Immediately my breath deepened and my heart slowed. It was an extremely softening moment. I felt myself drop down into my body and out of my head where I could move freely and unencumbered by thought.

With my knees bent and my head lowered I join the soil in the task at hand, being part of life. The scent and feel of the land takes me out of the bubble of my thoughts and brings me to a place that is simple and grand. Once grounded I can see better. Better see the tiny miracles around me, the true abundance of this place, the possibilities.

It is a real treat and a pleasure to have such intimate moments with soil interspersed between the mandatory movements of modern life. It is my hope that every person has these opportunities to make space for time with the land.

In the social and cultural landscape of North America, I realize that a deep systems change is required in order to make this easy for everybody. Shorter work days and weeks, more paid leave, workers time valued more, parental leave, healthcare, childcare … all of the things. And I also realize that it can start with the smallest dose. Whatever you can fit into your schedule. For I do feel that big change starts with small action and by carving out time in our busy schedules for being with the land we are saying that this is valuable, necessary. The message will start to spread which can initiate that big change our world is craving.

I grew up in a Brooklyn apartment raised by two parents who had no real interest in plant life. Until I got my own place, I had had no intimate contact with plants of any kind. It was in my early twenties that I became aware of a lack in my life. I began to volunteer on the weekends, mostly weeding, at a local public park. My fire escape slowly started to become crowded with pots and old buckets that I filled with soil and planted with seeds.

This initiated a huge shift in my life. I found myself feeling less anxious and more confident and I had an easier time tapping into gratitude and the beauty in the world. Life was simplified and joyful. Of course the shift didn’t happen overnight and I was/ am still at the mercy of the events that life throws me, but with time I was/ am able to address challenges with grace and ease (as much as possible anyway). I did not know how lost I was and how much better I could feel if I tended my connection to the land. Now that I know, I want this for everyone.


What to wear?


Solar Eclipse!